Thursday, September 4, 2008

Transfer of Thermal Energy.

-Thermal energy always flows from a region of higher temperature to a region of lower temperature.
-Rmb thermal energy is only transferred when there is a DIFFERENCE in temperature.
-When thermal equilibrium is reached there is no net flow of thermal energy.
-Thermal energy is transferred by any of the three processes-Conduction,Convection and Radiation.

-Basically conduction is a process of the transfer of thermal energy through a medium,without the medium moving.
-Liquids and gases are poor conductors of heat compared to solids.

All solids are made up of tiny particles called atoms and molecules.(Metals have free electrons while non meals don't)When thermal energy is supplied to one end,the particles will vibrate causing them to collide with neighboring particles.Thus kinetic energy of the vibrating particles is transferred.

For liquids and gases the process of conduction is inefficient,because of the space between the particles in liquids and gases(far apart)hence collisions between particles are less frequent thus the transfer will be slower.

-Convection is the transfer of thermal energy by means of currents in a fluid,liquid or gas.

(How does it work?)
-When water is heated,it expands.The expandedwater is less dense than the surrounding water and thus it starts to rise.Then the cooler regions of the water in the upper part will be denser and hence it will sink.The movement of the liquid in due to density will start a convectional current.

-Convection currents occur only in fluids such as liquids and gases but not in solids.

-Radiation is the emission of infrared radiation.
-Radiation,unlike convection and conduction, does not require any medium for energy transfer.
-Dull and black surfaces are better absorbers than white surfaces.
-Factors affecting rate of transfer by radiation -colour,texture,surface temp and surface area.

-cooking utensils
-Table mats
-Wooden ladles
-woollen clothes.

I think that this is pretty impt and helpful because if we blank out and forget about the above,remembering the applications can help us recall (:

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